
Dr. Caroline Elliott-Kingston
Horticulture Programme Director
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Email: caroline.elliottkingston@ucd.ie

Dr. Zixia Huang
Lecturer / Assistant Professor
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Email: zixia.huang@ucd.ie

Dr. Anthony Twamley
Lecturer/ IRC Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Email: anthony.twamley@ucd.ie

Dr. Susanne Schilling
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Email: susanne.schilling@ucd.ie

Dr. Daniel Hurley
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Email: daniel.hurley@ucd.ie

Dr. Aisling Reilly
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Email: aisling.reilly@ucd.ie

Dr. Syed Bilal Hussain
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Email: syedbilal.hussain@ucd.ie