Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Celebrating South China Agricultural University 115th Anniversary - "Embrace the World, Blossom in Diversity" Irish Culture Week Successfully Concluded!


On March 29 2024, the 'Irish Culture Week', a series of activities jointly planned by Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology and University College Dublin to celebrate the 115th anniversary of SCAU with the theme of 'Embracing the World, blooming in Diversity', came to a successful end in a warm and cheerful atmosphere. Clar NiBhuachalla, director of the Irish Language and Culture Research Center at University College Dublin, Ireland, led a team to bring this week-long Irish cultural exchange feast to the students of South China Agricultural University. This activity showcased the cultural charm of Ireland for the students from the perspectives of language, music, dance, musical Instruments, sports, etc. It has not only strengthened the exchanges between the two universities in the field of humanities, provided a precious opportunity for the students to have a deeper understanding of Irish culture, enriched their extracurricular life, but also deepened practical cooperation between the two sides in multicultural teaching, further enhanced the understanding and friendship between the teaching staff and students of the two universities. In the warm spring days, students experienced the exotic culture, which further broadened their international perspective, and enhanced their understanding and respect for different cultures.

This 'Irish Culture Week' is a series of brand activities jointly run by South China Agricultural University and University College Dublin. Irish Culture Week, like a window, guides students to cross the national border, further embrace this vast world, and gain a deeper understanding of the charm of multiculturalism. It shows us a diverse, inclusive and dynamic world.

This event is not only an important exploration in the field of educational cooperation between SCAU and UCD, a feast of cultural exchange, but also a spiritual journey, which is a unique and precious gift to celebrate the 115th anniversary of South China Agricultural University. Through activities of this week, students were able to have in-depth cultural interaction with the faculty of University College Dublin, and get to know Ireland's long history, unique culture and way of life 'without leaving home'. This not only allows students to enjoy the beautiful spring of campus, but also to communicate and discuss with people from different cultural backgrounds. In the joyful atmosphere, it inspires their high morale to explore the wider world in the future, enhances their international vision, makes them more open and inclusive, and looks at the world with a broader mind and vision.

In the future, the two universities will work together to provide students with international educational resources and exchange opportunities.

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