Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Guangzhou Dublin International College Students Conduct Summer Research at University College Dublin, Ireland


In order to broaden the global perspective of our students, improve their cross-cultural communication skills, and enhance their capacity for innovation, 34 students from Guangzhou Dublin International College (GDIC) arrived at University College Dublin in Ireland on July 31, 2023, to engage in a 14-day summer research program. This marks the first offline participation of GDIC students in this research program over the past three years.

Opening ceremony

He Xiangdong, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Ireland, and Dolores O'Riordan, Vice-Chancellor of University College Dublin, attended the launch ceremony and delivered a speech. Ambassador He Xiangdong emphasized the importance of students seizing the valuable opportunity to immerse themselves in their studies, gain a profound understanding of Irish culture and society, and contribute to strengthening the friendship between China and Ireland while advancing academically. Vice-Chancellor Dolores O'Riordan warmly welcomed the students and provided a detailed introduction to University College Dublin's teaching and research strengths. She encouraged students to fully embrace this invaluable learning experience by engaging in campus life, expanding their perspectives, forming new connections, and immersing themselves in both the academic environment of University College Dublin and the allure of Irish culture.

He Xiangdong, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Ireland, delivered the opening speech

Vice-Chancellor of University College Dublin, Dolores O'Riordan delivered the opening speech

The summer research program is centered around innovative learning and offers a wide range of activities, such as designing exercises to enhance innovative thinking and teamwork skills, meeting with the Mayor of Dublin City, exchanging experiences with students from University College Dublin, and inviting Professor Michal Laffan to present on the history of Ireland. David Kenny, President of Huawei Ireland, shared insights into his experiences and Huawei's impact on the development of China and Ireland. Additionally, participants visited the University College Dublin campus, Wicklow National Park, and enjoyed Irish music and dance performances, sports competitions, and other activities.

Visited the Mayor of Dublin

Visited Wicklow National Park, Ireland

Watched Irish music and dance performances

After 2 weeks of intensive study, communication, and practical application, the students collaborated in groups to produce an outstanding final report using various mediums such as scene play, model display, painting, and others. This effectively showcased the new ideas and methodologies for biodiversity conservation on UCD campus while fostering a deep appreciation for innovation.

Group presentation

Provost Paul Fanning gave a lesson

learning practice

The students actively engaged in various activities throughout the entire research process and successfully accomplished the task of learning and communication. This summer program provides an opportunity for students to effectively utilize their vacation time and immerse themselves in the customs of diverse countries and regions. Through this study, the participants honed their teamwork skills, broadened their perspective, and enriched their personal experience, ultimately fostering a heightened enthusiasm for learning English and exploring new cultures.

 Group photo

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