Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Office of Global Engagement, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Plant Science and College of Animal Science of Jilin University Conducts Research and Exchange Visit to Our Institution


On the morning of March 13, Zhu Beibei, deputy director of Office of Global Engagement of Jilin University, Wang Hualei, deputy dean of College of Veterinary Medicine, Qin Jianchun, deputy dean of College of Plant Science, Yuan Bao, deputy dean of College of Animal Science and two other members visited the College for exchange and research. Party secretary Shao Jiasheng and dean Feng Lixin attended the meeting.

On behalf of the College, Shao Jiasheng extended a warm welcome to deputy director Zhu Beibei and the delegation. Both sides introduced international education of the university. Deputy director Zhu Beibei expressed her gratitude for the warm reception, and introduced the purpose of the visit and Jilin University's plans and ideas of further promoting the transformation and upgrading of Sino-foreign cooperative education to realize qualitative development. At the same time, she spoke highly of and appreciated the satisfactory results achieved in international education of SCAU.

In combination with the development of Sino-foreign cooperative education of SCAU, both sides carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions. In the discussion, dean Feng Lixin focused on the early declaration, systematic construction, collaborative cooperation, teaching service, quality improvement, characteristics, demonstration effect and other aspects of Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions.

The discussion deepened friendly exchanges between the two universities. The two sides would continue to strengthen connections, learn from each other, further promote the quality of Sino-foreign cooperative education in order to promote the high-quality development of international education of the two universities.

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