Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Dr. Mingyue SONG


Dr. Mingyue SONG

Associate Professor

College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University



Dr. Song Mingyue, with a PhD in Food Science, is currently serving as the deputy director of the Food Science Department at the Food College of South China Agricultural University. He was appointed to this position after being selected for the Young Talents Talent Program and joining the university in 2017 as part of his career development.

Research Interests

(1) Separation, extraction and structural identification of natural active substances; 

(2) Functional evaluation of natural active substances and functional food factors in chemical, cellular, animal and other levels of models, to explore the mechanism of their functional activity;

(3) Study on digestion, absorption and metabolism of natural active substances and functional food factors in vivo and their interaction with intestinal flora; 

(4) Application technology research of functional ingredients and development of new functional foods.


Undergraduate teaching: Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry (in English), Introduction to Functional Food

Graduate Student: Information Retrieval and Literature Writing

Selected Publications

(1) Xian Wu ; Mingyue Song ; Peiju Qiu; Fang Li; Minqi Wang; Jinkai Zheng; Qi Wang; Fei Xu; Hang Xiao , A metabolite of nobiletin, 4′-demethylnobiletin and atorvastatin synergistically inhibits human colon cancer cell growth by inducing G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Food & Function, 2018.1.24, 9(1): 87~95

(2) Mingyue Song; Cynthia Lyliam Lopez-Pena; David Julian McCkements; Eric Andrew Decker; Hang Xiao , Safety evaluation and lipid-lowering effects of food-grade biopolymer complexes (ε-polylysine-pectin) in mice fed a high-fat diet, Food & Function, 2017.05.24, 8(5): 1822~1829

(3) Xian Wu; Mingyue Song; Zili Gao; Yue Sun; Minqi Wang; Fang Li; Jinkai Zheng; Hang Xiao , Nobiletin and its colonic metabolites suppress colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis by down-regulating iNOS, inducing antioxidative enzymes and arresting cell cycle progression, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2017.4, 42: 17~25

(4) Mingyue Song; Xian Wu; Noppawat Charoensinphon; Minqi Wang; Jinkai Zheng; Zili Gao; Fei Xu; Zhengze Li; Fang Li; Jiazhi Zhou; Hang Xiao, Dietary 5-demethylnobiletin inhibits cigarette carcinogen NNK-induced lung tumorigenesis in mice, Food & Function, 2017.03.22, 8(3): 954~963

(5) Mingyue Song; Noppawat Charoensinphon; Xian Wu; Jinkai Zheng; Zili Gao; Fei Xu; Minqi Wang; Hang Xiao , Inhibitory Effects of Metabolites of 5-Demethylnobiletin on Human Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016.05.24, 64(24): 4943~4949

(6) Xian Wu; Mingyue Song; Kanyasiri Rakariyatham; Jinkai Zheng; Shanshan Guo; Zhonghai Tang; Shuangde Zhou; Hang Xiao , Anti-inflammatory effects of 4′-demethylnobiletin, a major metabolite of nobiletin, Journal of Functional Foods, 2015.12, 19: 278~287

(7) Jingjing Chen; Mingyue Song; Xian Wu; Jinkai Zheng; Lili He; Erick Andrew Decker; Julian David McClements; Hang Xiao , Direct Fluorescent Detection of a Polymethoxyflavone in Cell Culture and Mouse Tissue, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015.12.21, 63(49): 10620~10629

(8) Jinkai Zheng; Jinfeng Bi; David Johnson; Yue Sun; Mingyue Song; Peiju Qiu; Ping Dong; Eric Decker; Hang Xiao , Analysis of 10 metabolites of polymethoxyflavones with high sensitivity by electrochemical detection in high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015.1.1, 63(2): 509~515

(9) Jinkai Zheng; Mingyue Song; Ping Dong; Peiju Qiu; Shanshan Guo; Zhimei Zhong; Shiming Li; Chi-Tang Ho; Hang Xiao , Identification of novel bioactive metabolites of 5-demethylnobiletin in mice., Molecular nutrition & food research, 2013.05.14, 57(11): 1999~2007

Research Projects

1. National Youth Science Foundation Project, Study on in Vivo biotransformation of citrus polymethoxy-flavones and their interaction with Intestinal flora, 2019/01-2021/12, Host;

2. Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of Guangdong Pearl River Talent Plan, 2019-2024, core member;

3. Guangdong Natural Science Foundation Project, Study on inhibition and mechanism of hesperidin on DSS induced colitis in mice based on intestinal flora, 2018/05-2021/04, Host;

4. High-level Talent Introduction Young Talent Project, High-level Special - Talent Research Start-up Fund, South China Agricultural University, 2018-2022, Host;

5. Enterprise Cooperation Project, Research on Production Technology of Effective Components of Gardenia Fruit, 2018-2019, Host;

6. Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Continuous phase change efficient extraction and separation technology and industrialization of soy sauce residue, oil and isoflavones, participated;

7. Enterprise horizontal project, Ganoderma lucidum Efficacy ingredient extraction process and activity research, 2018-2019, participated.

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