Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Prof. Xuming HUANG


Prof. Xuming HUANG


College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University



Prof. Xuming HUANG obtained his Ph.D. in plant physiology from South China Agricultural University in 1998, pursued studies at the College of Agronomy, Hebrew University in Israel in 2000, and served as a visiting scholar at Penn State University from 2003 to 2004. He was appointed as a professor in 2005 and became qualified as a doctoral supervisor in 2006. Currently, he holds the position of director at the Southern Fruit Research Laboratory of South China Agricultural University. Additionally, he has served on the editorial boards of Scientific Horticulture, Journal of Horticulture, Journal of Fruit Trees, Guangdong Horticulture and other academic journals. He is also part of the sixth group selected for provincial training under the Thousand and Ten Talents Project in Guangdong Province and serves as Special Commissioner for Rural Science and Technology (2010A0273). Furthermore, he is a member of the International Horticultural Society and chairs its Litchi Workshop; he has also participated as an academic committee member and delivered invited presentations at various international seminars on tropical subtropical fruit trees.

Research Interests

He has been conducting extensive research on the physiology of subtropical fruit trees for an extended period, focusing on the growth patterns and regulation of evergreen fruit trees, photosynthesis, carbon nutrition, stress physiology, as well as fruit development and quality formation physiology. The primary crops under study include lychee, grape, longan, custard apple.


Undergraduate courses: Horticultural Science (bilingual), Horticultural Plant Physiology, Physiological Experiment of Horticultural Plant Cultivation;

Postgraduate courses: Advanced Fruit Tree Research Law, Physiology of Fruit Trees, Fruit Science Professional English, 

PhD course: Horticultural Advanced Theory and Research Method

Selected Publications

1. Huang XM, Wang HC, Gao FF, Huang HB, 1999 A comparative study of pericarp of litchi cultivars susceptible and resistant to fruit cracking. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,.74(3): 351-354 

2. Huang XM, Huang HB, Gao FF 2000 The growth potential generated in citurs fruit under water stress and its relevant mechanism. Scientia Horticulturae, 83:227-240.

3. Huang XM, Huang HB. 2001. Early post-veraison growth in grapes: evidence for a two-step mode of berry enlargement. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 7:132-136.

4. Huang XM, Li JG, Wang HC, Huang HB and Gao FF 2001 Relationship betw een fruit cracking and calcium in litchi pericarp Acta Horticulturae, 558: 209-216

5. Huang XM, Wang HC, Li JG, Yuan WQ, Huang HB. 2004 Pericarp structure in relation to fruit cracking resistance in litchi.  Acta Horticulturae,632:131-137

6. Huang XM, Yuan WQ, Wang HC, Li JG, Huang HB. 2004 Early accumulation of calcium may play a role in spongy tissue formation in litchi pericarp. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 79(6):947-952

7. Huang XM, Yuan WQ, Wang HC, Li JG, Huang HB. 2004 Linking cracking resistance and fruit desiccation rate to pericarp structure in litchi. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 79(6):897-905

8. Huang XM, Zeng L. 2005 Lychee and Longan production in China.  Acta Horticulturae, 665, 27-36

1.9. Huang XM, Lakso AN, Eissenstat DM. Interactive effects of soil temperature and moisture on Concord grape root respiration. Journal of Experimental Botany, 55(420):2651-2660. 

2.10. Huang XM, Huang HB, Wang HC 2005. Cell walls of loosening skin in post-veraison grape berries lose structural polysaccharides and calcium while accumulate structural proteins. Scientia Horticulturae, 104:249-263. (0.583)

3.11. Huang XM, Wang HC, Li JG, Yuan WQ, Yin JH. 2005 An overview of calcium’s role in lychee fruit cracking.  Acta Horticulturae, 665, 231-240

4.12. Huang XM, Wang HC, Yuan WQ, Lu JM, Yin JH, Luo S, Huang HB. 2005 Study of rapid senescence of detached litchi: role of water loss and calcium Postharvest biology and Technology, 36: 177-189

5.13. Huang XM, Wang HC, Li JG, Yuan WQ, Lu JM, Huang HB, Luo S, Yin JH 2006 The presence of oxalate in the pericarp and fruit pedicel is not linked to a shortage of fruit calcium and increase in cracking incidence in litchi. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,. 81(2):231-237

6.14. Huang XM, Wang HC, Lu XJ, Yuan WQ, Lu JM, Li JG, Huang HB 2006 Cell wall modifications in the pericarp of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) cultivars that differ in their resistance to cracking. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(2):231-237

7.15. Huang XM, Wu ZX 2006 Maturation and senescence of litchi fruit and their regulations. Advances in Postharvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops, 2006, 315-340 

8.16. Huang XM, Lu JM, Wang HC, Zhang CL, Xie L, Yang RT, Li JG, Huang HB. 2006. Nitrate reduces the detrimental effect of potassium chlorate on longan (Dimocarpus Longan Lour.) trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 2005,108: 151-158

9.17. Li JG, Huang HB, Huang XM. 2001 An overview of litchi fruit cracking. Acta Horticulturae, 558: 205-208

10.18. Wang HC, Huang XM, Hu GB, Yang ZY, Huang HB. 2005.  A comparative study of chlorophyll loss and its related mechanism during fruit maturation in the pericarp of fast- and slow-degreening litchi pericarp. Scientia Horticulturae, 106:247~257 

11.19. Wang HC, Huang HB, Huang XM* 2007. Differential effects of absciscic acid and ehtylene on the fruit maturation of litchi chinensis Sonn.. Plant Growth Regulation, 52:189-198. (1.024)

20. Wang HC, Wang L, Hu YL, Huang XM*. 2007. Flowering and fruiting of two loquat cultivars in Guangzhou and effects of bagging on fruit quality. 750:401-406

21. Huang Xu-Ming , Wang Hui-Cong, Zhong Wei-Liang, Yuan Wei-Qun, Lu Jie-Mei, Li Jian-Guo. 2008. Spraying calcium is not an effective way to increase structural calcium in litchi pericarp. Scientia Horticulturae, 117:39-44 (0.694)

22. Biyan Zhou, Houbin Chen, Xuming Huang *, Ning Li, Zhiqun Hu, Zhigen Gao, Yong Lu. 2008. Rudimentary leaf abortion with the development of panicle in litchi: Changes in ultrastructure, antioxidant enzymes and phytohormones. Scientia Horticulturae 117 (2008) 288–296

23. Yang Wei-Hai, Zhu Xiao-Chuan, Bu Jian-Hua, Hu Gui-Bing, Wang Hui-Cong, Huang Xu-Ming. 2009. Effects of bagging on fruit development and quality in cross-winter off-season longan. Scientia Horticulturae, 120:194-200. (1.187)

24. Wei-Hai Yang, Xiao-ChuanZhu, Si-Cong Deng, Hui-Cong Wang, Gui-Bing Hu, Hong Wu, Xu-Ming Huang* 2010. Developmental problems in over-winter off-season longan fruit. I: Effect of temperatures. Scientia Horticulturae, 126 (2010) 351-358

25. Wei-Hai Yang, Si-Cong Deng, Xiao-ChuanZhu, Hui-Cong Wang, Hong Wu*, Xu-Ming Huang*. 2010. Developmental problems in over-winter off-season longan fruit. II: Development of pericarp structure. 126 (2010) 359-365

26. Z.Q. Hu, X.M. Huang, H.B. Chen, H.C. Wang*. 2010. Antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Pericarp. Acta Horticulturae, 863: 567-574

27. B.Y. Zhou*, X.M. Huang, H.B. Chen, Z.Q. Hu, Z.G. Gao, N. Li and Y. Lu. 2010. Physiological comparison of abscising rudimentary leaf and vigorously developing panicle in litchi: antioxidant enzymes and phytohormones. Acta Horticulturae, 863: 461-467

28. Wang Hui-Cong, Hu Zhi-Qun, Wang Yan, Chen Hou-Bin, Huang Xu-Ming * 2011. Phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activities in litchi pericarp: Difference among cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 129, 784-789

29. Xin-Yu Fu, Song-Xing Peng, Shuai Yang, Yong-Hui Chen, Jing-Yi Zhang, Wei-Ping Mo, Jian-Yun Zhu, Yao-Xiong Ye, Xu-Ming Huang1* 2012 Effects of flooding on grafted annona plants of different scion/rootstock combinations. Agricultural Science, 3(2), 249-256

30. Shi-Ya Jiang, Huan-Yu Xu, Hui-Cong Wang, Gui-bing Hu, Jian-Guo Li, Hou-Bin Chen, Xu-ming Huang*. 2012. A comparison of the costs of flowering in ‘Feizixiao’ and ‘Baitangying’ litchi. Scientia Horticulturae 148 (2012) 118–125

31. Fu XY, Zhou LY, Huang JB, Mo WP, Zhang JY, Li JG, Wang HC*, Huang XM*. Relating photosynthetic performance to leaf greenness in litchi: A comparison among genotypes. Scientia Horticulturea, 152:16–25, 2013

32. Xin-Yu Fu, Wei-Ping Mo, Jing-Yi Zhang, Lin-Yao Zhou, Hui-Cong Wang, Xu-Ming Huang∗ Shoot growth pattern and quantifying flush maturity with SPAD valuein litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Scientia Horticulturae 174 (2014) 29–35

33. Caiqin Li1, Yan Wang1, Xuming Huang1, Jiang Li2, Huicong Wang1 and Jianguo Li1* De novo assembly and characterization of fruit transcriptome in Litchi chinensis Sonn and analysis of differentially regulated genes in fruit in response to shading. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:552

34. Xuming Huang, HB Chen. Studies on shoot, flower and fruit development in litchi and strategies for improved litchi production. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 127-136

Research Projects

1. Study on the pathway and regulation mechanism of calcium uptake by fruit. National Natural Science Foundation of China (31372009), 2014.01-2017.12 (800,000 yuan) (in research)

2. Ethylene and H2O2 signaling of longan under starvation stress and their interaction in shedding regulation. National Natural Science Foundation of China (31171919). January 2012 - December 2015. (660,000) (in research)

3. Research and application of genetic improvement and control technology of fruit trees. Ministry of Agriculture Industry Science and Technology Special Project (Sub-project) 200903044-5, 2009.01-2013.12. (1.93 million) (completed)

4. Study on H2O2 regulating cell wall modification and its relationship with the development of arylated fruits. National Natural Science Foundation of China 30871693, 2008.01-2010.12 (370,000) (completed)

5. Litchi Longan industrial system of fruit and fruit development of Litchi Longan, Agricultural modernization technology system construction project of the Ministry of Agriculture (nycytx-32-03), ranked 2 (provincial and ministerial level major project)

6. Introduction, development and utilization of South African lychee Orchard Management expert system, Ministry of Agriculture 948 special, 1 million, 2010.01-2011.12, ranking 3 (Provincial major project)

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