Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

University Party Committee Secretary Li Fengliang Visits to Investigate and Guide Work


On the afternoon of September 26, Li Fengliang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, led a delegation to conduct on-site investigation at the College of International Education (Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology). All faculty and staff of the College participated in the investigation meeting.

The delegation visited the classrooms, foreign teachers' offices, shared learning areas, and other teaching and office spaces. Li Fengliang listened to the report by the College and chaired the investigation meeting.

The heads the College delivered the reports on the construction and development of the College under the theme "Diligence, Excellence, and Advancement," aiming to promote international education to a new level of high-quality development.

Shao Jiasheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, presented a report on the party building and ideological education of the College. Feng Lixin, Dean of the College, focused on the measures and outcomes of enhancing the quality of international talent training in line with high-quality development, as well as the challenges, difficulties, and future plans for improvement. The participants engaged in discussions based on their work practices.

Li Fengliang fully acknowledged the accomplishments of the university's international education, emphasizing that the College of International Education is experiencing rapid development, yielding significant influence and possessing vast potential. He also highlighted its pivotal role as the primary gateway for international education and a crucial driver of the school's internationalization efforts.

Li Fengliang emphasized the importance of international education in promoting openness and enhancing the soft power of education in China. It is hoped that the College will continue to uphold an entrepreneurial spirit, adapt to new circumstances, seize opportunities for development, and actively promote international education through five key aspects: firstly, raising the standard of international education; secondly, establishing unique characteristics and a model for international cooperation in agricultural education; thirdly, improving the quality of personnel training and teaching supervision to effectively communicate Chinese stories and represent China's voice; fourthly, invigorating school operations by expanding external Sino-foreign cooperation programs while coordinating internal educational efforts within China's international education context; fifthly, fostering a college culture that emphasizes party guidance and ideological work to make significant contributions towards enhancing the university’s global influence and highlighting its distinctive approach to international education.

Deng Yiqun, a member of the University Party Committee and Vice Principal of the university, affirmed the college's commitment to international education. He expressed hope that the College would further prioritize quality education and make greater contributions to the university's "double first-class" initiative.

The heads from the University Party office (research office), the Organization Department of the Party Committee, the Publicity Department of the Party Committee, the Development Planning Department, and the Finance Department participated in the investigation.

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