Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Outstanding student: Star of SCAU | Shi Lexuan: With great ambitions, head for the challenges



Shi Lexuan, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a student from 2020 cohort majoring in Biological Sciences (Sino-Foreign cooperative program). He previously served as the leader of the first group of the sixth phase of the school military training instructor corps and currently holds positions as class monitor and vice leader of the Campus Image Ambassador. Additionally, he is a member of three school teams: the School's Olympic Team, Tennis Team, and Taekwondo Team.

During the schooling time, he was awarded the national scholarship once, the Ding Ying Scholarship once, the first-class scholarship twice, and the full scholarship for summer online research at University College Dublin once. Additionally, he published one SCI (Region I) paper as the third author. Furthermore, he achieved numerous honors including winning the first prize in Guangdong Provincial Department of Education's "525" mental health video competition and the national college students e-commerce "innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship" school competition. he was also recognized as an "advanced individual" in social practice at school, an "excellent instructor" in the school military training instructor corps, and an "outstanding student leader model" and the ninth "Star of SCAU". Over the past three years, he have been actively involved in creating promotional videos for university events nearly 20 times and have released 30 music videos online with over 10w+ views. Additionally, he have dedicated 222 hours to social practice and volunteering.

I enjoy pushing my own limits and testing my abilities


Question: As senior students, you have participated in numerous competitions and must have undergone extensive preparation for projects. How do you manage your state of mind and emotions when faced with high-pressure situations?

Answer: Firstly, I am an individual who thrives on challenging myself, and the more tasks I can accomplish within my capability, the higher my productivity. Additionally, shifting one's mindset from viewing a task as "just work" to considering "what can I gain from this task" fosters a proactive and relaxed approach. Lastly, it is important to incorporate stress-relieving activities such as exercise into our routine; for instance, I personally engage in nightly runs to relax myself.

Refine the schedule down to the minute

Question: In the realms of academic research, practical application and participation in various competitions, you have demonstrated exceptional organization. How do you strategize your time management?

Answer: The initial step in mastering the art of planning is to establish a clear understanding of the tasks at hand and their respective levels of significance. When faced with numerous tasks, I normally begin by meticulously outlining the specifics and timing of each task, then arranging the time slots based on their relative importance. Personally, I find it beneficial to incorporate the tasks and schedule for the following day into my agenda before going to bed, be as specific as possible, as this greatly aids in effectively managing my time for completing each study and work-related task on the subsequent day.

Anyone has the potential to succeed

Question:  During the selection process of the "Star of SCAU", have you encountered anything more profound or interesting?
Answer: When I was in school, every time I saw the "Star of SCAU" advertised on the street lamp, I would envision what it might be like to be one of them. During the month preparing for the presentation, I also pondered whether I would succeed or fail. Would I conceal my emotions and weep? Despite having penned several plays about myself, when the results were eventually announced, my excitement deviated from the expected script and instead spent that day rather uneventfully. It was later revealed to me that receiving such an honor entails significant responsibility—far more than anticipated—and serves as a catalyst for moving beyond fleeting euphoria towards a clear vision for the future. In the process of selection, I also came to know that many outstanding senior students are not as distant as I had imagined. We gather every day to discuss and face problems together. In fact, the honorary title of "Star of SCAU" is not unattainable. With persistence and seizing opportunities, I believe everyone can become a star.

Message to the younger students

I hope everyone can strive to become the best version of themselves, shining like the brightest star in their hearts. Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, may they approach them with determination and resilience, pushing themselves to overcome any difficulties that come their way.

"Star of SCAU"

 "Star of SCAU" is an award program for outstanding students conducted by South China Agricultural University to implement the Party's educational policy in the new era, carry out the fundamental task of cultivating morality and nurturing talent, fully leverage the exemplary power of SCAU students, and foster a positive atmosphere of academic competition within the entire school. The project has been in place since 2014, selecting 10 undergraduate and graduate students as "Star of SCAU" annually, along with several "Star of SCAU Nomination Awards".

The selection of "Star of SCAU" requires students to demonstrate steadfast commitment to their ideals and beliefs, actively promote positive energy, uphold the core values of socialism, excel academically and possess outstanding comprehensive abilities. Additionally, candidates should exhibit exceptional performance in ideological guidance, innovation and entrepreneurship, rural revitalization, sports and athletic competitions, social engagement, volunteer service, campus culture promotion, as well as student affairs management; all of which can positively impact the majority of students.

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