Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

The College's "Safe Study Abroad" pre-departure education series | The University College Dublin Summer Research Program Pre-departure Educational Meeting was Successfully Held


In line with the directives from the Ministry of Education's 'Safe Study Abroad' work deployment meeting, our College organized a pre-departure educational meeting for the University College Dublin Summer Research Program on July 5, 2024. The meeting, held in Room 303 on the third floor of the Sixth Teaching Building, aimed to provide comprehensive travel guidance to 40 students preparing for an international study trip to Ireland. Vice Dean Wu Ying, relevant staffs from the Sino-Foreign Cooperation Office, and the person responsible for visa processing were in attendance to strengthen ideological guidance for overseas students and enhance their awareness of safety risk prevention and emergency response ability.

At the meeting, Vice Dean Wu Ying offered words of encouragement and blessings to the students. She encouraged students to cherish and seize this opportunity for expanding their horizons, gaining valuable experience, and enhancing their communication skills, organizational and coordination skills. She also suggested the students challenge themselves in learning and approach the world with an open mind. Meanwhile, she also provided detailed guidance on adhering to ethical standards and strengthening safety awareness while emphasizing strict compliance with relevant laws and regulations in the host countries or regions.

Afterwards, the staff from the Sino-Foreign Cooperation Office and the person in charge of visa processing presented an overview of the study program's activities, emphasized important considerations during the course of study, and urged students to prioritize safety, attend to personal well-being, and show respect for local culture. After the meeting, students engaged in thorough discussions with instructors regarding visa procedures and preparation of required materials.

This pre-departure educational meeting offered comprehensive guidance and support for the students' research trip, enhancing their awareness of safety and cultural tolerance. This allowed the students to gain a more thorough understanding of procedures and related matters before traveling abroad, thus well preparing them for the future travel.

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