Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Female Faculty Members Gather Together to Appreciate the Beauty of Intangible Cultural Heritage –on International Women's Day


In order to encourage women's ambition, gather women's strength and highlight the beauty of women, on the afternoon of March 8, College of International Education carried out activity – experiencing Cloisonne enamel, the intangible cultural heritage to celebrate International Women's Day. All the female faculty members of College of International Education gathered together to feel the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.

At the activity, the instructor explained the production process of Cloisonne enamel in detail, and demonstrated the process of painting, gluing, copper wire welding, wire cutting and coloring.

The atmosphere of the whole activity is active. Under the careful guidance of the teacher, everyone outlined beautiful and vivid patterns with dexterous hands. Pieces of work with flowers were vibrantly presented in front of the eyes. Through sharing, communication and hands-on practice, the female faculty members showed diverse beauty of the work, and the immersive experience also increased the cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign members. The foreign teachers said, 'The enamel painting is a wonderful experience, in which we have a better understanding of Chinese intangible cultural heritage, and deepened the friendship between each other.'

The activity gave an opportunity for everyone not only to relax the mood, improve the interest of life, but also to feel the unique charm of traditional craft in the process of making wire enamel by hand. All the female faculty members said that the warm festival atmosphere made them deeply feel the care and warmth of the college. In the future, they will be based on the position to educate students with culture, and contribute to the college with high spirits and strength of female power!

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