Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Beijing-Dublin International College Conducts Research and Exchange Visit to Our Institution


On the morning of April 10, a delegation including Wu Wenying, Deputy Party Secretary and Dean of Beijing-Dublin International College at Beijing University of Technology (BDIC), Sun Enchang, Vice Dean of BDIC, and four members visited our college for research purposes. The meeting was attended by Party Secretary Shao Jiasheng, Dean Feng Lixin, and Vice Dean Hao Gang.

Dean Feng Lixin warmly welcomed Dean Wu Wenying and her delegation for their visit. He emphasized that both universities are top-tier local institutions collaborating with University College Dublin to establish Sino-foreign cooperative educational programs, and have maintained a longstanding relationship, forming a deep friendship. The two Sino-foreign cooperative educational institutions are akin to siblings, one from the south and the other from the north. They aim to provide high-quality development services in the construction of double first-class Chinese-foreign cooperative schools, cultivating international professionals for regional and local economic and social development. The remarkable achievements of Beijing-Dublin International College over the past decade are widely recognized. It is hoped that through this exchange and discussion, GDIC can learn from the successful experience and practices of Beijing-Dublin International College, further advancing the development of Sino-foreign cooperative education and collaborating to establish a new model for such collaboration.

The head of the Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Office at our College presented an overview of the international school running development at our institution, as well as the current situation and achievements of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology.

Dean Wu Wenying expressed gratitude for the warm reception from the college, provided a detailed overview of the BDIC's overall situation and achievements, shared new ideas and practices in talent training, and expressed a desire to further enhance exchanges and cooperation. He emphasized the importance of mutual learning, improvement, and seeking common development. Dean Wu also stressed the need to jointly establish an innovative and integrated mechanism for Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools that is replicable, promotable, sustainable, and can fully demonstrate the exemplary and leading role of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools.

Subsequently, the two parties engaged in comprehensive and in-depth discussions regarding personnel training, faculty development, teaching administration, student support services, facility maintenance, academic achievement cultivation, as well as assessment and evaluation.

Related staff from General Committee Office (Student Affairs Office), Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Office (English Teaching Center) participated in the discussion meeting.

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