Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Dr. Tao WEI


Dr. Tao WEI


College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University 



Wei Tao, Ph.D., lecturer and master’s supervisor, has long been engaged in the research of microbial metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. In 2011, he received a bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Application (Base class) from Sun Yat-sen University. In 2016, he completed the master's and doctoral program and obtained a doctor's degree in Microbiology from Sun Yat-sen University. In 2017, he was selected into the Outstanding Doctoral Talents Program of South China Agricultural University and obtained the professional master's degree supervisor qualification. In 2019, he was funded by the China Scholarship Council and went to Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, to conduct research as a visiting scholar in the research group of Jens B. Nielsen, academician of Sweden, Denmark, the United States and China and founder of the International Society for Metabolic Engineering.

He host a regional Joint Fund of Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund of Guangdong Province - Youth Fund project, a project of Young Talent Promotion Project of Guangzhou Science and Technology Association, and a program of outstanding doctoral talents of South China Agricultural University. He also worked as a major participant in the National Natural Science Foundation project, Guangdong Province key areas of research and development plan modern seed industry major project research. He has published 19 research articles in SCI journals, applied for 5 national invention patents, and published two peer-reviewed articles on cordycepin anabolic network work as an assistant editor of the SCI journal Annals of Translational Medicine.

Research Interests

Microbial metabolic engineering and synthetic biology


Undergraduate courses: Food Microbiology, Food Microbiology Experiment, Fermentation Engineering Process Principle, Fermentation Engineering Process Principle Experiment, Agricultural Microbiology (in English)

Postgraduate courses:  Comprehensive Experiment of Biological Engineering, Fermentation Engineering, Industrial Microbial Breeding

Selected Publications

(1) Tao Wei, Bi-Yan Cheng, Jian-Zhong Liu. Genome engineering Escherichia coli for L-DOPA overproduction from glucose[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:30080.

(2) Tao Wei, Jin-Yong Bao, Hai-Hua Yang, Jun-Fang Lin, Qian-Wang Zheng, Zhi-Wei Ye, Yuan Zou, Xiong Li, Zi-Le Jiang, Li-Qiong Guo. Musa basjoo regulates the gut microbiota in mice by rebalancing the abundance of probiotic and pathogen[J]. Microbial pathogenesis, 2019, 131: 205-211.

(3) Qian-Wang Zheng#, Tao Wei#, Yin Li, Zhi-Wei Ye, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo, Fan Yun, Lin-Zhi Kang. Developing a novel two-stage process for carotenoid production by Cordyceps militaris (Ascomycetes)[J]. International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 2019, 21(1): 47-57.

(4) Lin-Feng You#, Tao Wei#, Qian-Wang Zheng, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo, Bing-Hua Jiang, Jia-Jun Huang. Activity essential residue analysis of taxoid 10β-O-Acetyl transferase for enzymatic synthesis of baccatin[J]. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2018, 186(4): 949-959.

(5) Shu-Ling Lin#, Tao Wei#, Shuo-Xin Lin, Shu Chen, Li-Qiong Guo, Jun-Fang Lin, Fan Yun. Improving the thermal stability of anisyl alcohol by β-galactosidase enzymatic glycosylation[J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2018, 53(12): 2723-2729.

(6) Lin-Feng You#, Tao Wei#, Qian-Wang Zheng, Bing-Hua Jiang, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo. Optimization of baccatin III production by cross-linked enzyme aggregate of taxoid 10β-O-acetyltransferase[J]. Molecular biotechnology, 2019, 61(7): 498-505.

(7) Bai-Xiong Chen, Tao Wei, Zhi-Wei Ye, Fan Yun, Lin-Zhi Kang, Hong-Biao Tang, Li-Qiong Guo, Jun-Fang Lin. Efficient CRISPR-Cas9 gene disruption system in edible-medicinal mushroom Cordyceps militaris[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:1157.

(8) Bai-Xiong Chen#, Tao Wei#, Ling-Na Xue, Qian-Wang Zheng, Zhi-Wei Ye, Yuan Zou, Yi Yang, Fan Yun, Li-Qiong Guo, Jun-Fang Lin. Transcriptome analysis reveals the flexibility of cordycepin network in Cordyceps militaris activated by L-alanine addition[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 577.

(9) Jia-Jun Huang#, Tao Wei#, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo, Wen-Feng Han, An-Qi Ye. High‐effective biosynthesis of baccatin Ⅲ by using the alternative acetyl substrate, N‐acetyl‐d‐glucosamine[J]. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2020.

(10) Hai-Wei Lou, Yu Zhao, Hong-Biao Tang, Zhi-Wei Ye, Tao Wei, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo. Transcriptome analysis of Cordyceps militaris reveals genes associated with carotenoid synthesis and identification of the function of the Cmtns gene[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2105.

(11) Ben-Hong Xu, Ya-Qin Lu, Zhi-Wei Ye, Qian-Wang Zheng, Tao Wei, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo. Genomics-guided discovery and structure identification of cyclic lipopeptides from the Bacillus siamensis JFL15[J]. Plos One, 2018.

(12) Ben-Hong Xu, Zhi-Wei Ye, Qian-Wang Zheng, Tao Wei,Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo, Bing-Hua Jiang, Jia-Jun Huang. Isolation and characterization of cyclic lipopeptides with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity from Bacillus siamensis JFL15[J]. 3 Biotech, 2018, 8(10): 444.

(13) Hai-Wei Lou, Zhi-Wei Ye, Ying-Hao Yu, Jun-Fang Lin, Li-Qiong Guo, Bai-Xiong Chen, Hong-Biao Tang, Tao Wei, Le-Tao Chen, Fan Yun. The efficient genetic transformation of Cordyceps militaris by using mononuclear protoplasts[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2018.

(16) Sunita Chamyuang, Amorn Owatworakit, Yoichi Honda. New insights into cordycepin production in Cordyceps militaris and applications[J]. Annals of Translational Medicine, 2019. Edited by Tao Wei.

(17) Peter A. D. Wellham, Dong-Hyun Kim, Matthias Brock, Cornelia H. de Moor. Coupled biosynthesis of cordycepin and pentostatin in Cordyceps militaris: implications for fungal biology and medicinal natural products[J]. Annals of Translational Medicine, 2019. Edited by Tao Wei.

Research Projects

1. Leading the Young Talent Lifting Project of Guangzhou Science and Technology Association;

2. Lesding a Regional Joint Fund of Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong Province - Youth Fund Project 1 (Project No. : 2019A1515110609, blocking the GMP bypass pathway in Cordycepin biosynthesis pathway to reconstruct the supply mechanism of precursor IMP);

3. Hosting one outstanding doctoral talents program of South China Agricultural University;

4. Participating in a number of scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation Project 1 (Project No. : 31772373, Cordyceps ergothione and its biosynthetic gene function and mechanism of action), participated in the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund (project No. : 31801918, molecular regulatory mechanism of high accumulation of novel carotenoids in Cordyceps sinensis triggered by environmental salt stress; Project No. : 31801505, Study on in vivo biotransformation of citrus polymethoxy-flavones and their interaction with intestinal flora) 2; Participated in the major project of Modern seed Industry (Research and breeding of tropical and subtropical agricultural microbial germplasm resources) of Guangdong Province.

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