Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

A Brief Introduction of Food Quality and Safety (Sino-foreign cooperative program)


Program objectives

Students should possess a global perspective, national pride, strong comprehensive abilities, a deep sense of social responsibility, and exemplary professional ethics. They should systematically grasp the fundamental theories and knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, and biology; as well as master the essential theories, technologies, and methodologies in food science, nutrition, food hygiene, food analysis, food quality and safety control. Additionally they should be equipped with the skills necessary for food safety supervision and management. These students are expected to become innovative talents with global competitiveness who can contribute to various sectors such as food production, analysis and testing; quality certification; scientific research; as well as relevant enterprises including inspection agencies.

Core courses (Part of them are listed)

Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Food Analysis, Food Microbiological Inspection, Food Instrument Analysis, Food Quality Control and Management, Food Safety Supervision and Management, Nutrition and Hygiene Knowledge Practice, Plant Products - Raw Materials and Commodities, Human Nutrition: Nutritional Requirements for a Healthy Balanced Diet, Advanced Food Safety and Security - Part 1 - Microbiological Hazards, Postharvest Physiology: Fresh Produce Supply Chain ManagementAnimal Products - Raw Materials and CommoditiesFPT I - Unit Operations for Plant and Animal Product Processing, Advanced Food Safety and Security - Part 2 - Food Toxicology, Dietary Sustainability: Balanced Dietary Needs and Environmental Constraints in Food Systems, Local Food Production and SME Food Processing, Big Data Bioinformatics, Global food Regulation and Policy - Europe/USA/Asia/UN etc., FPT II -Food Processing and The Environmental Impact of Sustainable Processing with Emerging Technologies, Global Food Safety, Food Safety and Security: Traceability and Authenticity of the Food Supply, Food Safety: Food Access and Availability, Scientific Writing and Communication, English Speaking for Academic Purposes, English Writing for Academic Purposes

View more: Introduction of Food Quality & Safety by Professor James Lyng

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